Typical sleep schedules for a baby can be tough on a parent in itself with frequent wakeups due to feeding and changing. So, when you add fighting into the mix, giving you an overtired baby, things just escalated big time. And, while fighting sleep can include tears and shouting, when it includes sweet giggles and plain alertness it can still take a toll.
Babies fight sleeping for reasons you may not understand. They are likely fidgeting because they are uncomfortable and miss your cuddling. Infants who constantly fight sleep are developing sleep habits and need help with their bodies.
No matter what the signs are, fighting sleep is usually from an underlying problem, you just have to work out what it is. After all, the first step to a better bedtime routine is understanding what obstacles might be in the way. Let’s discuss some of the common reasons babies have trouble sleeping and some ways to help.

What Does it Mean When Babies Fight Sleep
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Babies use their bodies to communicate because they can not talk. Babies likely feel uncomfortable and fight sleep. They may be emotional, hungry, or need your help with something.
When infants fight, wiggle, and fidget it is a sign of sometime else. They are simply trying to say something and they don’t understand how to speak. Babies use their whole bodies to communicate. This might not be the answer you want to hear because you are probably tired too, but know that you are not alone and that all babies have trouble communicating and sleeping well.
Why Your Baby Constantly Fights Sleep
In most cases, babies fight sleep for a totally normal reason that might not seem relevant at first. Problems like being too tired, gas, and teething can cause your baby to fight sleep.
For babies who are uncomfortable from a wet diaper or an empty tummy, you can rest assured that you most likely don’t need to be worried. Let’s look at the eleven most common reasons babies fight sleep.
Eleven Reasons Babies Always Fight Sleep
- Separation Anxiety
- Sleep Regression
- Growth Spurt
- Attention
- Poor sleep environment
- Overtiredness
- Overstimulation
- Teething
- Hitting a Milestone
- Traveling
- Discomfort or Illness
Besides discomfort or illness which will need to be addressed with your pediatrician for the best course of action, consistency is going to be the key to fixing the issue.
How to Get a Baby to Stop Fighting Sleep
Create a sleep routine and try to stick to it to help your overtired baby sleep at better times and for longer. This will not only improve your baby’s mood and overall wellbeing, but it can give you a chance for some well-earned rest and self-care. There are some ways you can help maintain consistency and reduce the amount that your baby fights sleep.
Some Ways to Help Babies Sleep Better
- Following your baby’s cues and helping them get to sleep when they’re ready.
- Maintaining a soothing bedtime routine to help calm your baby before slumber.
- Keep consistent with your bedtime routine so baby knows what’s happening and to reinforce that certain actions mean it’s time to sleep.
- Keep the nursery conducive to sleep no matter the time of day.
- Use the same sleep gestures and words so babies know what to expect.
- Reinforce bedtime with a swaddle to keep them secure

What Age Can You Use Nested Bean Sleep Sack
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Zen Swaddle® – Best for newborns who like to be wrapped snugly to prevent startle reflex, and have not yet started rolling over
*Size: Small (0-6 months).
Zen Neo™ – Gently weighted and loaded with parent-friendly features that dramatically simplify swaddling while keeping your baby snug and comforted with a womblike pod design.
*Size: Small (0-4 months).
Zen One™ – Best for all babies 0-6 months, because it is the only swaddle that adapts to every sleep style over time. A secure band keeps baby’s arms down to prevent startle reflex or wraps around the belly for arms-free sleeping. Mesh sleeves allow for finger-sucking and can easily be unzipped and removed for more range of movement.
*Sizes: Newborn (0-3 months), Small (3-6 months).
Zen Sack™ – Best for babies who have started rolling over, or don’t like being swaddled. The Zen Sack™ is also a perfect transition from the swaddle, and great for tummy sleepers who can roll independently since the sack can be worn backwards!
*Sizes: Small (0-6 months), Medium (6-15 months), or Large (15-24 months).
Zen PJs™ – Best for active sleepers who find a swaddle or a sack restricting their leg movement. With two options available, Zen Bodysuit or Zen Footie™, these products are perfect for on-the-go occasions.
*Sizes: Small (0-6 months), Medium (6-12 months).
Learn more about Nested Bean and see how you can offer your baby your touch whenever they need it.

Is it Normal for Babies to Fight Sleep
It is absolutely common for babies and infants to fight sleep because they are lonely, over-tired, hungry, in pain, or wet. Babies need tons of attention and will fight to communicate a message.
More Ways to Help Babies Who Fight Sleep
Try holding your baby or simply putting your hand on them when they are sleeping to keep them calm and relaxed. Being in your arms allows your baby’s body to switch over to the parasympathetic nervous system, releasing dopamine and oxytocin (the “feel-good” hormones).
Touch is a powerful thing and vital to your baby’s well-being. Just your touch can reduce anxiety, improve sleep, relieve pain, promote bonding, improve responsiveness, boost immunities, lower blood pressure, stabilize heart rate, and trigger growth hormones.
Sing to them to help them sleep. Some babies want to feel reassured that you are present and available in time of need. Your voice is soothing and familiar and will help them work through their tough emotions, growing stages, and routines.
Singing is also essential for language development because they learn to recognize new sounds. Your rhymes will help them feel safe and connected as they experience their discomfort.
Gentle massages on the places where they are wiggling might help when they fight sleep. Infants are always moving and developing. They get sore like any other human when they grow and probably feel achy. They might have indigestion and need a burp or could be sore from kicking their legs too hard.
Use your hand to press lightly on the parts of their body that seem uncomfortable to see if it gets any reaction. Try patting, rubbing, tapping, or caressing their skin to see if it helps their sore muscles or upset tummy.
What Age Do Babies Sleep Through the Night
Your definition of sleeping “through the night” might not mean what you think. With the first stage, getting a 4 to 5 hour stretch of sleep will feel like sleeping through the night. For others, it might be 8 hours. So, it depends on the baby.
When a baby starts to sleep through the night, it’s a victory most parents relish and it will feel like a complete win. But when does the 8-hour stretch of sleep happen? Probably closer to 6-9 months old for most babies.
Fun Fact: When babies are able to sleep through the night and when babies actually do sleep through the night are two different stories.
Babies are able to sleep through the night based on their development, meaning it can be different from child to child. As your baby is slowly reaching certain milestones, their sleep starts to gradually get longer. With each milestone, you may see them fall into a more predictable sleep pattern and have longer stretches of nighttime sleep, anywhere between 10 weeks to 6 months.
Some of these milestones are:
- Moro Reflex has decreased or stopped.
- Your baby is gaining weight at a healthy rate.
- Night feedings have started to decrease.
- Your baby is learning to self-soothe.
No parent should expect their baby to go from sleeping short stretches to double-digit hours in one day, sleeping through the night should always happen gradually. Always keep in mind that every baby is different and will reach this phase on their own timeline.
Even after babies begin to sleep for longer stretches, it is common for their sleep to at times regress and wake up mid-sleep. While sleep regressions are discouraging and tiresome, it’s normal.
No matter what milestone your baby is at, or whatever reason for the current sleep regression, a little extra comfort can go a long way.
You are a tough and resilient parent! Babies fight sleep because they are growing and developing. Sleep schedules are challenging but there are ways that you can help your tiny human sleep better. Consider singing, sleep sacks, massages, and burping. Good luck my friend!
- Experts at Packard Children’s describe benefits of touch for babies, parents | News Center | Stanford Medicine
- Feel-good hormones how they affect your mind, mood and body Dopamine Serotonin Endorphins Oxytocin | Health Tips and News (timesnownews.com)
- Moro Reflex – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)
- Nested Bean
- Parasympathetic nervous system – Wikipedia