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Identifying and Responding to Deviations– A Mock Study
Hey there, friends! Have you ever wondered why certain musical notes seem to tug at your heartstrings while others fall flat? Hold onto your headphones because we’re diving deep into the fascinating world of Mismatch Negativity (MMN)! But hey, we’re not just here for the science – we are on a mission to uncover the possible secrets of MMN for music therapy.
Armed with deviant tones and a sprinkle of curiosity, researchers at the University of Washington have crafted tunes that’ll make your neurons dance and your heart skip a beat. But wait, there’s more! We’ve got 4 surveys; quick-fire questions designed to tease out the subtle nuances of musical perception.
So get comfy, tune in, and prepare to groove your way through the science of sound identification like never before. This ain’t a positive research study – it’s a symphony of discovery, and you’re negativity is invited to take center stage!
Just to clear the air like a crisp chord progression, this research endeavor is purely for practice and exploration purposes. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the theoretical research disk we’re spinning!
We recognize our legal rights to use own creations, parameters for licensed content, or royalty-free audio.
By proceeding with the study tasks, you are indicating your consent to participate. If you agree to participate, please continue with the instructions. If you do not wish to participate, close the screen.
There is no need to contact anyone else to perform this study. If you have been invited, please proceed with the steps to complete the experience according to your timing conflicts and schedule.
Please read through the instructions before beginning!
External survey links are highlighted for your convenience.

Thank you for participating in this study. This research aims to investigate the brain’s response to deviations from expected musical structure, particularly focusing on the Mismatch Negativity (MMN) component in both musicians and non-musicians.
In all, this will take about 30 minutes (or less). There are about 3 major steps involving preparation, pre & post-surveys, and listening tasks. Before you begin, please read the following instructions carefully:
1. Find a Listening Space
- Please find a quiet and comfortable environment where you can focus without distractions.
- Ensure you have approximately 30 minutes of uninterrupted listening time to complete the study.
- It is recommended that you use earbuds or reliable speakers to experience the auditory stimuli fully.
- It is also helpful to close your eyes while listening.
2. Complete Pre-Assessments
Before you begin, please fill out the contact form provided. This information will remain confidential and will only be used for the purpose of this study. Next, you will be asked to complete two musical expertise surveys. These surveys aim to understand your musical background and experience.
- The first form will ask for Contact information and briefly quiz you on participation instructions. Click on the provided link(s) to access the survey.
- Next, complete the Musical Expertise Assessment to the best of your abilities. Answer each question honestly and to the best of your knowledge.
- The last Musical Experience Scale will assess your musical experience and knowledge.
- Once you have completed the survey(s), return to this page to proceed with the study.
Please complete the Contact Form..
Complete the Musical Expertise Assessment.
Lastly, complete the Musical Experience Scale.
3. Task
Please Consider:
- Please refrain from playing any music apps, white noise, or any other outside sounds during the study.
- Minimize distractions from peers, children, animals, or any other sources of potential interruption to ensure accurate completion of the tasks.
- Consider informing those around you about the importance of maintaining a quiet environment during the study.
During the listening experience, you will be presented with three audio files, each approximately 60 seconds long. Pay close attention to each.
- Before listening to the first audio file, you will complete the PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) survey.
- After listening to the song, rate your emotional state using the PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) scale. There are no right or wrong answers; we are interested in your genuine emotional response.
(Repeat) –Post Instructions
Note: Repeat one PANAS survey after listening to each of the three audio files.
Important Reminders:
- You will complete a total of four PANAS assessments throughout the entire research experience.
- Focus your attention solely on the auditory stimuli.
- If you encounter any technical difficulties or have questions, please contact the research team for assistance. coxm64@uw.edu
- Your participation is greatly appreciated and will contribute to valuable insights into our pretend research.
External Links
Pre-Audio: Please complete the 1st PANAS.
Audio 1: Please complete the 2nd PANAS.
Audio 2: Please complete the 3rd PANAS.
Audio 3: Please complete the 4th PANAS.
Concluding Remarks
After you have completed the experience, you may proceed with the following thoughts.

As your fingers lift from the disk and your pens rest on the final survey question, let’s take a second to savor the symphony of possible musical insights. Though our speakers may fall silent and our surveys fade, the delightful echoes of this playful pursuit will linger in our minds like a cherished refrain.
Here’s to the joy of discovery and the magic of music that binds us all together. Until our next adventure, may your ears be ever attuned to the enchanting melodies of research. I am signing off with a symphonic flourish and a heartfelt thank you for joining Miranda on this whimsical journey! 🎧🎶 🎶